Morning satsang at Bidadi ashram
Monday, 19 March 2012
Using fear and greed to maximize performance is neither wrong nor right. Please understand, the purpose of life is expansion. Purpose of life is being a high achiever. Self actualization leads to self realization. For self-actualization, you may need to use fear and greed. But for self-realization. you need to drop fear and greed. When you know this, you will use fear and greed, but you will drop it also, you will not be bound by it. In every relationship, in every decision making, in every interaction, in every evaluation, remember this - if somebody is able to come to his peak through only fear or greed, use that. Even if you yourself are not able to do the peak performance without fear and greed, use it on yourself. But know it very clearly, once you are able to be in peak performance as a high achiever, drop it.
When you achieve peak performance without fear and greed to fuel you, you are Buddha. When you are able to guide a group of people to be high achievers you have created a sangha. The way in which you do this is Dharma. Every successful fortune 500 company has a core sangha. Whether you know it or not, at a certain level the Sangha has evolved - at least 10 people who have actualized themselves and helped others to actualize themselves. Unless at least a few people evolve to this level, no successful venture is possible.
Read the essence of 108 best satsangs of 2012!