What is initiation?
Initiation is the direct transmission of Truth from master to disciple...
Power of Initiation (Deeksha)
Deeksha means ‘initiation’ or the direct transfer of spiritual energy by an enlightened being through a touch, a word or a look...
If God is everywhere, why should I go to a temple?
To answer this question, Sri Ramakrishna, a great Enlightened Master of the 20th century gave a beautiful answer...
Is a guru necessary for enlightenment?
Yes and no! The guru or master is not a vyakti (person) as we imagine. He is a tattva (principle). He is simply a physical representation or of the Divine...
Darshan – Absorbing the Superconscious Vibration
The word ‘darshan’ can be roughly translated as ‘vision’. Darshan is used to describe the holy sight of a saint or enlightened being. Just seeing an enlightened being is believed to cleanse the karmas of lifetimes and create deep and lasting transformation in us...