When you are in love, the fulfillment center is awakened, and it does not let you think about future security. Even if you have one question about future security, you are not in love.
Your lover has business with your beauty, your partner has business with your money, your employer has business with your degree. I have business with your consciousness.
When you are empty within, hollow within, begging for attention, love at first sight happens. Understand, whenever love at first sight happens, the person is very poor in his inner space.
When garbage is put on the face of the earth, it will smell, stink, create disease. But put it inside the earth, it will become manure!
Not converting the shocks received by you from life into pain or anger or guilt or pain is tyaaga, renunciation.
Unless I put my finger on your wound, on your ego, how can I apply the medicine? If you decide to stand the process without running away, you will be raised to the same space as me.
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