This one technique can give you whatever you want and lead you to the space of not wanting you anything – Enlightenment itself.
spiritual wisdom from Nithyananda
A healer who lives whatever I am teaching, and practices healing, is in continuous entanglement with me. This is what I call ‘physiology of feeling connection’.
Silence yourself, not others!
IN THE olden days, people in India did not stitch clothes after sunset. This is because all stitching was done by hand with a needle. In the dim candle or kerosene lamp light it w$as not possible to see properly and one could get hurt by poking the fingers with needle. Even now in India, some...
Don’t be angry, be Aware
WATCH someone who gets angry very quickly. The more he gets angry, the more he seems addicted to being angry. Getting angry does not resolve problems. Biologists tell us that repeated behaviour actually rewires the brain. Neural networks get established with repeated behaviour pattern. What...
Live this moment here and now!Live this moment here and now!
SOME of us may think that we have no bad habits because we do not smoke or drink. We may think that we do everything perfectly right. Let me tell you, you all have a secret mental addiction! That addiction leads you into doing all kinds of things. In fact, it prevents you from doing many things. No...
Our bodies are beautiful!!
WE HAVE perfected the system of give and take. Everything in our life has a simple equation. We want to know what we can get before we begin to do anything. What’s in it for me is a mantra of modern age. The truth is that no institution built by ordinary humans are above this consideration...
Make yourself Stress-Proof
FOUR hundred years ago Rene Descartes, the French philosopher declared, ‘I think, therefore I am.’ He was right, and at the same time, he was wrong. This declaration has formed the basis of modern thinking. Billions of people in this world have followed Descartes for generations believing that...
Gratiude -  The Key to Happiness
Understand, if ever you feel life is dull, that it is not as juicy as it should be, it is because gratitude has not happened in you. Gratitude is the energy that makes your life intense and exciting every moment. When you carry causeless gratitude in you, life will be sweet all the time...
Our Body Begs Attention
WE SHOULD understand one secret: attention is energy. That is why we feel so good when somebody attends to us. When we are attended to; when somebody takes time to attend to us; when somebody serves, we feel so good. We even feel elated.
Make Yourself Stress Proof
THE world is made up of two categories of people: those who are stressed and those who are not. Stressful people are those who desire to control life. They like to mould life in the way they wish it to be. They are focused only on themselves. Those who have no stress are those who accept what life...
Choose Joy over Worry!
PARAMAHAMSA SRI NITHYANANDA on Choosing Joy over Worry! IF I were to tell you that you choose your worries that make you suffer, you will disbelieve me. That is the truth! Each one of us carries our personalised version of worry. Undoubtedly, the commonality of this worry is that we...
Respect Food, Don't Waste It!
PARAMAHAMSA SRI NITHYANANDA on Respect food, Don't Waste It! OVER EATING is a modern disease. People think that it is better to eat more vegetarian food. Let us be clear here. Over eating any food is bad. Be it vegetarian or meat. It creates a lot of problems for us. We have never...
Make life your goal, not greed or fear
WE FEEL happy or satisfied when we are running after desires or when we run away from our fears. So every moment, we are continuously either in greed by running after our desires or in fear by continuously running away from something. Our happiness in every moment is measured only by either greed...
Awareness in pain brings you bliss
PAIN — whether physical, mental or emotional — has only a negative existence, like darkness. Darkness exists only in the absence of light. As such, it has no positive existence of its own. In the same way, pain exists only in the absence of awareness.
Is suffering necessary?
ONE of the most deeply hidden reasons for suffering is that you may be enjoying it. For example, falling ill can become a source of pleasure if it gets you the attention and care you have been craving. In the same way as a seed has to rupture before a plant can grow and blossom, intense suffering...