Justice for Nithyananda![]() NITHYANANDA DHYANAPEETAM is a peaceful socio-spiritual community founded by PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA in 2003. We have dedicated our lives to spreading yoga, meditation, spirituality and better living among the people. We are successfully offering a range of spiritual and social services to the community, including daily annadaanam (free food for all), free medical care in urban and rural areas, support for rural education, free yoga and meditation classes and free spiritual healing services, among others. Recently, we have become the victims of a virulent hate-campaign from a local television channel called Suvarna TV, which has been airing a series of programs against our organization and our respected guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who is revered as a living divine incarnation by 15 million people worldwide. On 2nd June this year, Suvarna telecast a completely one-sided, false and malicious video interview with a woman who identified herself as 'Arati Rao', who claimed that our founder and spiritual guru Paramahamsa Nithyananda had sexually abused her in 2005 when she was a visitor to the ashram. The video was re-telecast continuously for over 9 hours that day and for days afterwards. Suvarna also invited public phone-in and panel discussions on this subject. Nithyananda's devotees who called Suvarna were not allowed to participate in the phone-in. Significantly, NO OTHER PRESS OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA PICKED UP OR RAN THIS STORY. On 7th June, Nithyananda held a press meet in his headquarters in Bidadi near Bangalore to address this issue.
To read the press release, click here In the middle of the press meet, a Suvarna TV editor identified as Ajit jumped the barricade near the dais, and attempted to hand an unidentified paper package to Swamiji, which he claimed to be a court summons.
Sensing a possible security hazard, ashram personnel tried to remove him and the package from the hall. It was later discovered that a group of 20 persons with an agenda to disrupt the press meet had trespassed into the campus by showing their media cards, and carried out this deliberate illegal attempt. The same person also abused the women devotees of Nithyananda by calling them prostitutes, and his henchmen molested one of our sannyasinis.
Suvarna henchmnen assault on ashramites at press meetIn a shocking incident that happened the same evening - Suvarna's Outdoor Broadcast van arrived at the ashram gates,accompanied by a mob of some 50 people men armed with weapons, calling themselves 'Karnataka Navanirmana Sene'. The mob began raising slogans against Paramahamsa Nithyananda. When ashramites went to inquire about the matter, about 10 of the thugs scaled the locked gates of the ashram, entered the premises illegally and first assaulted Sri Mayatitananda, the brahmachari handling the ashram camera, and damaged the camera to ensure that no video recording could take place. They started threatening and assaulting our unarmed sannyasis with rocks, stones, iron rods and furniture. In a clear attempt to murder, the mob then pushed the ashram administrator Sri Atmaprabhananda to the ground and assaulted him with a huge stone, causing severe head injuries and profuse bleeding. The other ashramites who rushed to their aid were also manhandled and abused, including women ashramites. Sri Atmaprabhananda was taken to hospital with head injuries, and his condition is causing us grave concern. Throughout all this, Suvarna TV's OB van stood outside the ashram gate and telecast this shameless assault LIVE on their channel. The administrator Sri Atmaprabhananda is in hospital with severe head injuries and his condition is still causing concern. Assault on ashram Administrator Sri Atmaprabhananda & other ashramites
Watch the video.. Statement by Atmaprabhananda: To view the Medical reports of Atmaprabhananda, click here The following day (8th June), the ashramites held one more press meet to make the previous day's matters public. Suvarna TV tried to force its entry into the ashram for this press meet, but was not allowed inside the campus for security purposes. Some members of 'Karnataka Navanirmana Sene' wearing false media cards, entered into the hall and violently disrupted this meet, assaulting ashram brahmacharis and brahmacharinis. Outside the hall, a group of their supporters was waiting. They started raising violent slogans against us. The mob beat up several of our ashramites and volunteers, causing many injuries. They manhandled many of our women and molested one of them.
Watch the video..
Unbelievably, Suvarna editor Ajit filed complaints of assault against the ashramites by, leading to the arrest of 16 ashramites, including 10 women. They were released later that day. Click here to view the FIRs filed against the Ashramites Click here to read the press release on 8th June
In the following days, Suvarna channel initiated a sustained and virulent hate campaign against Paramahamsa Nithyananda and Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, accusing the ashram of all possible illegal activities and inviting 'guests' to speak out against both. The question is, why did an established criminal like Arati Rao approach only a single TV channel, that too a channel like Suvarna which is well-known for telecasting sensationalism, not facts? The very fact that not a single other print/ TV channel picked up the story speaks for itself. Suvarna anchor Ranganath Bharadwaj has personally stated that Arati had approached many channels, but only Suvarna as willing to air her story. While other media made an intelligent and socially responsible decision, Suvarna clearly used the opportunity to further its own vested interests. Arati Rao is a carrier of STD Arati Rao is the carrier of an incurable sexually transmitted disease (STD) called Herpes 2. This disease is highly contagious (even more than AIDS) because it can spread through the slightest physical contact, including saliva. Arati Rao approached Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam in 2005 to be healed of this disease. She confessed to ashram authorities that this disease had been transmitted to her through several illicit relationships. The woman has now claimed 40 incidents of abuse by Nithyananda, but even a single incidence of contact is sufficient for the disease to be transmitted to the other person. Nithyananda has already submitted all relevant evidence, along with his blood tests proving that he is not carrying the disease, to the investigative authorities, including the Karnataka police and the High Court of Karnataka. Arati Rao has a criminal record In her chargesheet against Nithyananda in Nov 2010, Arati Rao had clearly stated that she was instrumental in the morphed video conspiracy against Nithyananda along with Lenin Karuppan. Also, she is facing multiple charges of fraud, extortion and abuse in India and USA. She is right now evading SIX summons in India, multiple COURT ORDERS in the USA and police investigation in both countries. Lenin Karuppan has been arrested and is now in Puzhal jail in Chennai.
For more on Arati Rao's criminal records
Forcing a communal angle to cover up act of rowdyism As Nithyananda belongs to the neighboring state of Tamil Nadu, an deliberate attempt was made to escalate the issue into a communal conflict, by demanding the eviction of Nithyananda and his spiritual community from Karnataka state. Using the rowdy elements of 'Karnataka Navanirmana Sene' as a façade, Suvarna tried to give a communal color to an issue which was no more than pure rowdyism and vandalism on their part.
On 9th June , several newspapers and TV channels (including Suvarna channel and TV9) started airing the news on their websites and TV news shows that an arrest warrant has been issued against Nithyananda on the instructions of the Chief Minister of Karnataka Sri Sadananda Gowda. A lockout of the ashram had also been ordered. On the 11th and 12th of June , the ashram was suddenly subjected to a thorough search by a platoon of about 50 members of the police led by the District Commissioner, who sealed off certain areas of the ashram, stopped the movement of people and materials in or out of the ashram and investigated our ashramites, including the children studying in our gurukul. No written order was given to us authorizing either the search, the sealing of the ashram or the investigation. Hence this was a completely illegal operation that not only violated our human rights, but instilled terror and caused irreparable trauma to our ashramites, especially to our children. Paramahamsa Nithyananda illegally arrested On 13th June , when Paramahamsa Nithyananda appeared at the Ramanagara Magistrate Court for court proceedings, he was arrested without warning and taken into judicial custody on the basis of the FIR filed by Ajit of Suvarna channel. He was released on bail the next day. Within minutes of his receiving bail, however, he was booked under sections 107 and 151 of the CrPC (Criminal Procedure Code) for apprehended ‘breach of peace’, and was moved to Mysore Jail. This is a shocking, unconstitutional, disgraceful and thoroughly condemnable act. It may be recalled that the law and order breach was caused by certain anti-social elements, not by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Under the guise of ‘providing protection’, the state had ordered the arrest of an individual without any grounds. It may be recalled that the Delhi police had used the same CrPC sections to illegally arrest social activist Anna Hazare in August 2011 for his anti-corruption drive. See link: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/war-over-lokpal-bill-anna-hazare-detained/175930-3.html For more about CrPC Sections 107 & 151, click here The Sections clearly state that an individual can be apprehended only when there is sufficient grounds to suspect that he is a threat to public peace or safety. However, Nithyananda and his ashram were clearly the VICTIMS of assault, not the perpetrators. In an unheard-of move, Instead of arresting the perpetrators, the State ordered the arrest of the victim for purposes of maintaining peace. Certain pertinent observations made by Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s counsel, renowned lawyer C V Nagesh:
NiNithyananda and devotees undertake peaceful religious fast until release Foollowing his re-arrest on 14th June , Paramahamsa Nithyananda embarked on a religious fast in prison until his release. The fast was in view of the continued unconstitutional actions and human rights violations against himself and his spiritual organization. He was joined by thousands of his followers and supporters around the world, who entered into a peaceful fast with prayer, undertaken as a voluntary religious practice to secure their spiritual master’s release from prison, where he was illegally detained. Click here for more..
Nithyananda devotee files habeas corpus petition in High Court In the meantime, a habeas corpus petition (No.108/ 2012) was filed in the Karnataka High Court by a devotee of Paramahamsa Nithyananda by name Valli Ramanathan, seeking directions for Nithyananda to be produced before the court and released in the interests of justice, as constitutional rights were being violated and his detention was illegal.
The Bidadi ashram is still under siege, and the 100-odd people inside are in constant danger of another senseless and vicious attack any moment. The ashram members are unable to carry on their normal religious and spiritual activities and are forced to hold their religious ceremonies outdoors, as they have been forbidden from using the ashram’s four meditation halls. This is a gross violation of their right to worship and to live in peace inside their own home. As is obvious from the above, those with vested interests have spared no effort in spreading rumors and attempting to influence public opinion against us using brute force, political power, media power and money power. However, Paramahamsa Nithyananda and Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam rest their faith in the law and in spiritual power, which is a blessing from the Divine. We appeal to all socially conscious media and the discerning public to support us in our campaign against this gross violation of our human rights, including our right to practice our chosen religion in peace and with dignity. MESSAGE FROM PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA
Nobody can stop us from doing the good spiritual and social work that we are doing. All our charitable work will continue. Annadaanam (free food for all) will continue in all my ashrams, wherever it is possible by law. I have faith in the Divine, and in the law, and in the people of Karnataka. I know for sure that the Karnataka people are not opposing me, only the anti-social elements are doing this for their own vested interests and cheap publicity. We cannot fight lawlessness with lawlessness. We will conquer lawlessness with law! Ultimately we will get justice."