Justice AP Shah (retired)-led self regulatory body, Broadcast Content Complaints Council (BCCC), directed the channel ‘Star Vijay’ to apologise to Ranjitha Menon for telecast of its programme ‘Nadanthadhu Enna Kutramum Pinnaniyum’ on 21 March 2012. The channel has been asked to run a scroll featuring the following apology scroll in Tamil and English, one after the other, in large and legible bold fonts at normal speed, every two hours on its channel for seven days starting September 9 at 12 noon to September 16 at 10 am:
"In compliance with BCCC's order passed on 2 September, 2013, Star Vijay apologizes to Ms. Ranjitha Menon for the telecast of its programme 'Nandanthadu Enna Kutramum Pinnaniyum' on 21 March 2012. This Programme was found to be in violation of the Self-Regulatory guidelines of Indian Broadcasting Foundation (IBF)." (Tamil translation attached)
The BCCC order came down heavily on the television channel and said, “The Council is of the considered opinion that the explanation offered by the channel is completely untenable and unsatisfactory. Firstly, it is clear that the channel did not exercise any caution whatsoever in telecasting the said episode without confirming the authenticity of the clippings."
"Further, even the contention of the channel that the said Programme was telecast for creating awareness amongst public is to be believed, then where was the need for constantly making references to the complainant and also repeatedly showing her completely unconnected videos from public life?" the order questioned.
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The BCCC order in full is here: