Sep 24
Nithyananda Diary | Nithya Satsang | Sarva Darshan | 24th September 2013 Photos
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Swamiji delivered the powerful speach on Enriching asking us to hold every one's and our space to the peak possibility not giving up on people and us - the discourse can be viewed on our You Tube Channel (Hold the peak possibility for everyone by Nithyananda).
The Nithya Satsang was followed by Sarva Darshan to all those present.
Paduk Puja being performed to His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Guru Puja being chanted
Swami Nithyananda delivers the Morning Satsang
Swamiji (Paramahamsa Nithyananda) Blessing one and all present
Swamiji (Paramahamsa Nithyananda) blessing one and all
Sri Nithyanandeshwara Nithyanandeshwari
Dhakshina Moorthi