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Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam will conduct its annual Guru Poornima celebrations on 3rd July 2012 in its ashram in Tiruvannamalai in Tamil  Nadu. The celebrations, which will begin in the morning, will include spiritual satsang, gurumudi offering, initiation, darshan and individual blessings from Paramahamsa Nithyananda, apart from various service activities. The celebrations are expected to continue till late in the night, in view of the thousands of devotees and visitors who will be participating. Online satsnag and bhiksha facilities will also be available for those who wish to participate in the day’s celebrations from around the world. This year, more than 40 countries are expected to participate online.

21-day Jeevanmukti Vrata: Every year, hundreds of devotees worldwide undertake this 21-day vrata prior to Guru Poornima, which is a period of powerful inner and outer cleansing through various spiritual disciplines like  worship, mantra chanting, meditation, contemplation and sattvic vegetarian diet. On the eve of Guru Poornima, these devotees undertake a pilgrimage to the ashram, often walking part of the way (padayatra), to offer their karmas at the temple and receive the grace of both God and guru.

Tiruvannamalai - home of enlightened masters: Tiruvannamalai is an ancient temple town and pilgrimage center at the foothills of the mystical mountain Arunachala. A spiritual destination famous for its ancient Shiva temple, as well as for the lineage of enlightened masters like Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi who have graced this land, Tiruvannamalai is also the birthplace of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Every full-moon day, at least half a million pilgrims visit Tiruvannamalai to circumambulate the holy mountain Arunachala.

1008-shivalinga The Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam ashram, located on the mountain path, has a 1008-shivalinga kshetram and a shrine dedicated to Shiva & Devi. The ashram is actively involved in supporting the local community, including serving free food (annadaanam) to over 1500 pilgrims and visitors every day and conducting free weekly medical camps and meditation programs. 

Online Bhiksha: To find out more about the online bhiksha facility, go to http://www.nithyananda.org/events/guru-purnima-2012