Nov 01

What a Beautiful Sight it Was!!

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After the Bhagavad Gita Satsang all the devotees and disciples gathered in the Sri Nithyanandeshwara Temple to participate in Abhishekam (holy bath)to Lord Subrahmanya. What a beautiful event this was and such a blessing to be part of! The Abishekam was followed by Kalyanotsavam to Lord Subrahmanya. Kalyanotsavam is the celestial wedding ceremony between Subrahmanya and his consort Valli and Devyani. For all the married couples, the boon of participating in this celestial wedding ceremony of Kalyanotsavam is clearing all the obstacles that stand in the way of the harmonious and blissful marriage. This is a day when devis are showering positive and auspicious energy on the families.