Sun, 2017-02-05 09:00
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This beautiful discourse is a part of the Living Sadashivoham Process. It was delivered in the sacred temple town of Tiruvannamalai, which is Nithyananda's own birthplace. In it, Nithyananda gives us a deeper understanding of living the four powers of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching through the corresponding five manifest faces of Sadashiva.
When you're in a creative mood, bring Integrity, and you will manifest Sadashiva's Shakti! You will become Sathyo Jatha, born out of Integrity. Anything which is born out of integrity will stand forever. Any creation, including manifesting powers, add Integrity to it. Out of Satya, anything born, Satyojatha, anything born out of Integrity will stay forever and do good for you. When you add Integrity to your Aham, you will become Sadashivoham.
When you're in a descructive mood, bring Responsibility. You will always destroy what needs to be destroyed; it will be equivalent to rejuvination, not just destruction. Irresponsibility leads to tantrum throwing, rioting destruction. It may look like Kalabhairava and Kali run riot on the Cosmos, but they know precisely where to put the leg, where to put the hand, where to put the sword. The precision is not even one cell this side or that side.
Whenever you are in the mood of confusion, delusion, depression, start living for others, Enriching. If you think only about you when you are rotten it will be stinking; Enriching is the only solution.
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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Sri Nithyananda Swami, Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Sadashiva, Living Sadashivoham Process
Transcript in English:
nithyanandeshwara samarambham nithyanandeshwari madhyamam | asmadacharya paryantam vande guru paramparam || I welcome you all of you with My love and respects. I welcome, all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsanghis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis for the Living Sadāshivoham process.
The manifest and unmanifest components of Sadashiva is part of you. The manifest is Sadyojatam, Tatpurusham, Aghoram, Vamadevam, Ishanam. If I put it in your user-friendly language— I should tell you, I am not translating, I am putting in user-friendly language, means roughly equating it. Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vamadeva, Sadyojata, Ishana—these are the five manifest aspects of Sadashiva.
If I have to put it into user-friendly language, I should say—creation, maintenance, destruction, delusion and liberation. Listen. You go through all the five. When you are in the mode of creation, if you add Integrity, you will manifest Sadāshiva’s creation. Listen. When you are in the mode of creation, add Integrity to you—you will manifest Sadashiva.
You may ask, “What is creation mode?”
When you feel like doing something active. It can be your office work, it can be manifesting wealth, it can be doing something for name and fame, including career activities. Or it can be physically creating something; art, painting, drawing, even sexual desires, activities—all this belongs to creation when you are in the creation mode, bring Integrity to you, you will manifest Sadashiva—your creativity plus integrity is Sadāshiva’s creation energy, is Sadyoyata. Only from Satya, anything can be born, Jāta means born. Sadyojata means born out of Integrity. Anything, which is born out of Integrity, only will stand forever. So the creation face of Sadashiva is Sadyojata in all your creativity. It can be as simple as cooking to as complicated as manifesting wealth. It can be as lower as you think; sexual desires, or it can be as high as higher, as creating your Enlightenment. Any creation—including manifesting powers—any creation, including manifesting powers, add Integrity to it. Out of Satya, anything born, Sadyojata, anything born out of Integrity will stay forever and do good to you. You all have that creation mood in you, that is Aham. When you add Integrity to it you will become Sadāshivoham, in your creativity.
Creation, sustenance, destruction, delusion, liberation.
Whenever you are in a destructive mood, feel Responsibility, bring Responsibility into it. Whenever you are in delusion, you are confused, you don’t know what to do, what kind decision you should make, what will be right at this moment, for my life. Whenever you are in that delusion, Tirobhava—just throw yourself away. And decide, your life is for others, say, confusion means, whatever I know as me is rotten. Once it is rotten, whether it is Kashmir apple, or California orange, it is useless. Once it is rotten you can’t say, “Oh Kashmir apple, California orange.” Like Shankara says, nahi nahi rakshati dukrijnkarane | [bhaje govindam]
When death arrives – dukrijnkarane - your logical understanding of the language does not protect you. You can’t use a straw to float in the ocean. If you think you can, you are fool.
nahi nahi rakshati dukrijnkarane |
When you are in the mood of delusion, listen. When you are in the mood of the delusion, decide, “Life is for others,” make all the decisions based on Enriching, life is for others. Change the place you are living. Change the people with whom you are living, change the profession you are in. If you don’t, you will be stuck and wasting the life forever. I tell you, death is much, much better, 10 000 times better, than being stuck in delusion. In death at least you move, go ahead, you move further. Nothing gets lost in death, I tell you, nothing gets lost. Life will go on running, nether world misses you, nor you will miss the word.
I tell you, many people think, “If I will die everybody will miss me.”
Tamil (16:00). The whole city will gather and cry, loud, as loud as possible, nowadays with the loudspeaker. Tamil (16:30). You may be xxx, xxx (16:40), Tamil (16:41) Dead body, when are they going to lift the body? Tamil (16:57).
The land which is separately allotted for that, you may be owner of 10,000 acres or the whole kingdom, Tamil (17:10) They will take the body to a corner, allotted for that, Tamil(17:22) Last statement, they will take bath in the water. The last statement is too hurting but true; they will forget you once and for all. Tamil (17:40)
Listen. They will, take bath in the water body, and forget, it's not even forgetting, deleting, Tamil (18:00). It is just delete, over, ctrl-D, ctrl delete. You may think everyone will miss you; No. Everything will be going maybe much better. And you may feel you will be missing the world, which is not reality actually.
The whole destruction will happen properly, the moment you bring Responsibility to your destructive mood, your tantrum throwing mood, your rioting mood, you will become Aghora, Sadashiva’s destruction face. You are no more Aham destroying you are Sadashivoham destroying. When you bring Integrity to your creation, you are no more Aham creating, you are Sadashivoham creating—Sadyojatam.
Bring creation, bring Integrity into your creation. Bring Authenticity into your sustenance energy.
All of you have all these energies, every day you use this energy, when you are cooking, you are manifesting creation energy. When you are eating, you are manifesting sustenance energy. When you are destructing, digesting you are manifesting the destruction energy. When you are digesting, you are manifesting the destruction energy. And, if something is undigested, your stomach is sick, you have a problem, you are in the delusion energy. If the energy, digest energy is absorbed, and you manifest it as powers you are in the liberation mode. Every day you manifest all these five powers, all these five aspects of Sadashiva.
In your creation bring Integrity, in your sustenance bring Authenticity, in your destruction, bring Responsibility, when you are in delusion, decide to throw all your ideas, decide to throw yourself away, and get into Enriching. Decide, my life is for others. Delusion means, depression, means, 99% of you is already rotten, you can’t do anything with that rotten. Whether it is Kashmir apple, or California orange, or Switzerland saffron—nothing can be done, with rotten fruit or vegetable so delusion confusion depression means your whole being is rotten—now don’t build you future on that being. Just discard it, decide, my life is for others, start building. Out of rotten fruit, a new tree can happen. That rotten fruit itself will not be useful, a rotten mango will not be useful. Dump it, it will become tree, and a lot of new mangoes will happen. When you are confused, deluded, depressed, dump yourself, into Enriching, new Being will happen in you.
She asked me about my orthodox lifestyle. I have a very, orthodox personal lifestyle. Means if I, once I get up from the bed, morning, I will not touch anything I am going to wear after taking bath, even by mistake, if my body touches some clothes which I am going to wear after the bath, I will not wear that, it has to be washed again. It's all very, if you see from outside, it almost looks like I am washing mania.
She asked me, “What is the reason to follow this lifestyle Swamiji?” And I will have a neem stick to brush my teeth. Sometime if the stick is little hard, or become old, dried, even if I’m not able to put the stick into the mouth completely—even, at those moments I'll put that stick on a brush, and only with that brush I will brush the teeth. She asked Me, “What is the reason to follow this orthodox to this extend? I only said one word, listen, listen carefully. In Agama, Sadashiva has given 100 instructions.
The moment 10-20 instructions have become My experience, my Anubhuti, My reality, My life, My experience, My, whatever, whatever, reality—that's it. Now, I am not going to waste My life, waiting to get convinced about the remaining eighty instructions.I am going to fall head over heels and start practicing all the hundred.
Fools are those, who think, “Oh, I know when I put rudraksha in the ears, my listening has gone up, my energy has gone up, my third eye is active, alive. But, about putting the Rudraksha in the hip and end of the hair, I will wait and see whether it become my experience, then, after that that I will wear.”
By the time you experience and put the Rudraksha everywhere, you have to go to the burial ground, hundred years will be over. Fools are those who wait for every instruction in Agama to become their experience and then they will start following. Then by that time; you come to your leg to put the Rudraksha at the feet, leg, your ankles, you may not even have the leg. You may be walking with somebody else leg. Listen carefully. The moment 10-20 instructions of Sadashiva has become My reality, I am not a fool to wait and reinvent the whole thing, and wasting My life for reinventing. Understand. (34:39)
Kailasha, under the huge Kalpavriksha—making Devi sit on His lap, holding Her hip with all the love and care—the way He thought Her to brush the teeth and take bath, I am exactly doing that. That is all I need to make My day. That is all I need to make the neem stick sweet. That is all I need to make My life, that is Shaktinipata. Understand.
And I am not interested in sitting and waiting for my logic to get convinced, to follow the Agama of Sadashiva, I know all of this is reality, come on, fall head over heels and start practicing Agama. I told, the devotee who asked Me this question, Nithyananda Yogam participant—see the moment 20 instructions have become my reality I am not going to wait for the remaining 80 to be logically analyzed and start practicing, no, He supports, He wanted this orthodox, hygienic lifestyle, so I am going to live that's all. No other reason is required. No other reason is required. He wants me to do this, over. When you know, logically, you don’t wait to get convinced and start moving just because He wants you to do—you are My inheritor. You are Elite. You are no more middle class.
Understand. People who get healing from me, completion technique from me, are all middle class. Only people inherit my powers are elite. Receiving instruction means middle class, you are a fool, you are cheating yourself. If you have come, and just got some healing, some boon, some wealth blessing, business blessing, butt pain, headache, knee pain. If you received only boons and teachings and completion and you are practicing on your own, you are middle class. Means you are waiting—you do only the instructions about what you are convinced. If you just start living, without waiting for you to get convinced, all the instructions, done, happens, Shaktinipata. Then, you don’t need to be a middle class, rotting rotting, rotting, making, making, before you even make 80% is sucked, spent. You don’t need to die into that lifestyle, you are inheritor.
See My Baalasants, they don’t wait to get convinced about My instruction, that's why they inherit what I have. If you wait to get convinced about every instruction, you are a devotee, outsider. If you just jump head over and heels, and start living—before I even complete the instruction, you are an insider, disciple, inheritor, you have the right to feel— Brahmanyam Bramaputrataam.
Whatever Arunagiri Yogeshwara had, I never felt, He need to initiate Me, He need to give Me that. I just know, if He has it is mine.
Just like how my Baalasants feel, “If Swamiji has it is mine.” They don’t feel, I need to initiate them I need to give it to them, if He is having, it is mine.
Actually Brahma was asking, “At least in that body I have to be afraid of only one Subramanya, now here so many Subramanyas, what can I do? I have to be afraid of so many Subramanyas. Whenever you follow the instructions about what you are only convinced you manifest only that result. If you do completion practice, you will have peace. If you practice Integrity, you will have Vaak Shakti. If you practice Authenticity you will have Mano Shakti, when you start living without bothering about, waiting to convince your logic, by falling head over the heels and surrender—you manifest all the unmanifest, Avyakta, the sixth face of Sadashiva, manifests in you.
Understand. For the unmanifest to manifest in you, all you need is Shaktinipata— Shaktinipata meansstart living the instructions and initiations without waiting for your logic to get convinced,is Shaktinipata. The joy you experience, when you live, just because He said, that's it. That joy is called Shaktinipata. Understand. When I live my orthodox lifestyle, I just know, I am doing it because He said it, and that joy is Shaktinipata. That keeps me whole day and night, my whole life in Shaktinipata with Sadashiva. With that Shaktinipata, whether you pick up a stone, or clean the floor, or cook, and feed the devotees, or do wiring, or do book publishing, or stand there and give flyers to people— everything is Shaktinipata. Understand, life in the Sangha is Shaktinipata – kaam nahi hai Kamikāgam hai. Work in the Sangha – kaam nahi hai kamikagam hai. Authenticity to your sustenance. Responsibility to your destruction. Enriching to your delusion. Causing to your liberation, and Shaktinipata to your whole being and life. You will manifest Sadāshiva’s creation face, sustenance face, destruction face, delusion face; liberation face, and the unmanifest, Avyakta face— and you will live Sadāshivoham. Live Sadāshivoham by bringing all these six in your life, bring all these six into your life. Bring all these six in your life, add more and more, you will be adding more and more of Sadāshivoham in you; more and more of Sadāshivoham in you. Let Avyakta become Vyakta, unmanifest, become manifest. It is direct message from Sadashiva, from the space of Sadashiva, from the place of Sadashiva to everyone of you, who are literally Sadāshivas.