May 04
Varanasi Inner Awakening Day - 4 | Meenakshi Brahmotsavam Day -4 | Padapuja | Nithya Satsang
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In today’s morning Satsang from Varanasi, Paramahamsa Nithyananda announced that today is AdiShankara’s Jayanthi, and that he respects Shankara for choosing to be part of the lineage that created him rather than breaking from Sanatana Hindu Dharma and starting his own sect. This same day is also the Jayanthi of Acharya Ramanuja; who had the patience and compassion to stay in the body for 127 years. He then encouraged us to live the core beliefs, lifestyle and fashion of Sanatana Hindu Dharma to the minutest detail.
Meenakshi, Somasundareswara and swamiji
"Today, a very important day for the whole of Hinduism, the Sanatana Hindu Dharma, the day, the greatest reviver of our Dharma, our Acharya, Adi Shankara is born. Even though it feels like a grammar mistake, I cannot use “was” for any of these Acharyas. So, I am using “is”, even though it is a grammar mistake."
"Adi Shankara, one of the greatest beings, greatest Masters, the reviver of Hindu tradition, Sanatana Hindu Dharma, he was more charismatic than the Buddha, but not greedy to be a separate cult. That is why he stood by Sanatana Hindu Dharma. There are a few people who try to make themselves heroes just by saying “No” to everything which is prior to them. But there are some people who can demonstrate their unique contribution without saying “No” to whatever exists prior to them. The second needs more intelligence. Shankara was charismatic enough. If he had said “No” to all the prior things which existed before him, he would have become another one religion."

"I am very clear, I will always be a reviver of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, never founder of anything new. My deep gratitude to my Masters, my gurus. I had the fortune of getting enriched by more than one guru, enlightened beings. My gratitude to my gurus who made me is, I will ever remain as only the reviver of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, never the founder of something separate, away from Sanatana Dharma."

"Today is also the Jayanthi of one more great spiritual giant I personally regard as the second great spiritual giant, whom I am going to introduce, a little one step more than Adi Shankara – Acharya, the great Ramanuja! Today is the same day, Acharya, the great Ramanuja was also born. You may ask why I put Ramanuja one step further. Please understand, an Acharya has certain responsibilities and he is given all the powers needed to fulfil those responsibilities. Living in the body for a long period and establishing what for he happened, also is one of the responsibilities, which Ramanuja fulfilled very responsibly by living 127 years! He lived in the body for 127 years! "
Meenakshi in golden palanquin
Meenakshi Sundareswara