Dec 05
Nithyananda Diary | Bali Inner Awakening Day - 5 | Padukapuja | Satsang | Dial The Avatar | Nirahara Samyama | Sarvadarshan
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This morning devotees gathered to offer Paduka Pada Puja (an offering of gratitude to the sacred sandals of the master) followed by chanting from Guru Gita and the daily morning Satsang. Swamiji came to us live via two way conferencing from Bali, shedding light on the science of ‘Nididhyasansa’. Swamiji defined Nididhyasansa as, ‘radiating’. He said that in a simple way ‘radiating’, can be understood as ‘not wasting your life’ - when ‘laziness, diversion and boredom do not have a place’. This happens when every decision, action, word and moment of our lives is aligned with the great truths, which we have authentically listened to and authentically internalized - ‘Intranalyzed’. Swamiji recommends that those aged 18 – 40 spend at least one year on spiritual pilgrimage throughout India; to taste India at every level. This will teach us to live the truths deeply. We then moved to ‘Dial the Avatar’, (An opportunity for people to call and speak with Swamiji live), which was followed by ‘Nirahaara Samyama’, (A 21 minute meditation which awakens the body’s ability to live without food’). Satsang concluded with ‘Sarva Darshan’ - individual blessings for those live in Bali.

Paduka Puja in Progress...
Nididhyasansa – the gap between the great truths you have internalized,
and what you are living
People ask me ‘Why are you so active?’ – I cannot be any other way! If
you have listened authentically you will be radiating