Dec 12
Nithyananda Diary | Bali Inner Awakening Day - 12 | Padukapuja | Satsang | Meditation | Sarvadarshan
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This morning devotees gathered to offer Paduka Pada Puja (an offering of gratitude to the sacred sandals of the master) followed by chanting from Guru Gita and the daily ‘Nithya Satsang’. Today is day 12 of Inner Awakening + En-genius programs, as well as the 22nd batch of the Nirahara (No-Food) Samyama, Level 4. Sannyas was today’s topic of discussion.Swamiji explained that when we decide, to be the cause for everyone to experience what they want as reality in their life – that is Sannyas. When we provide our sincere, authentic listening, with no other agenda but to be the pure catalyst for everyone to achieve what they want in life - life supports us, life energy opens up to us. Nithya Satsang concluded with a powerful Upanishad (sitting with the master and mirroring his neuron activity) and individual blessings in ‘Sarva Darshan’.
Morning Yoga by Inner Awakening Participants
Paduka Puja in Progress...
"When you decide to enrich others, that all your secret strategy planning
is not going to work, it is renunciation"
"Oh human beings, sit within yourself – even if you sincerely listen to
YOU, so many miracles will many powers will express"
"Let me be the cause for everyone to realise their cause!"
"Actively I’ll be the catalyst, for everyone to experience fulfillment in
whatever they want to realise"
"Let every step be – ‘How can I be a catalyst for what others want to
gain in their life?’"
"When you are a pure cause/ catalyst – life stands by you, life supports
Allow the life to support you!
Inner Awakening Session by Swamiji