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Inner Awakening Level - 4 started in Bali Islands in Indonesia today, this is 22nd Inner Awakening.

This morning devotees gathered to offer Paduka Pada Puja (an offering of gratitude to the sacred sandals of the master) followed by chanting from Guru Gita and the daily morning Satsang.  Swamiji came to us live via two way connection from Bali, and we were blessed to experience Akashic Readings on the four tattvas (essential truth/ powers), based on questionsfrom I.A participants. Akashic readings are given through a mystical invocation of the lord of time – Kalabhairava.  Because time in reality is not a continuum of past present future as we understand, but more like a simultaneous happening, someone who is able to perceive it in reality has access to the ‘cosmic archives’, the records of all past present and future events.