Dec 23
Nithyananda Diary 23nd December 2015 | Phuket, Thailand - Nithyanandoham 1008! - Day 17 | Mandala Bio Energy Awakening Process | Question and Answer | Shatru Samhara Trishati Homa
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On the second day of the last week of the program, His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda intensifies the awakening of the God Particle during the bio-energy processes, taking participants to deeper levels of their being. The Question and Answer session is an opportunity for people to share their experiences and seek clarifications. The day ends with the Shatru Samhara Trishati Homa conducted for the first time in any program.
Day 2 of the powerful Bioenergy process
His Holiness is always entertaining and enlightening during the question and answer session!