Jul 11
Discourse on 'Who knows your mind'/ Pratyaksha Paduka Puja/ Sarva Darshan/IA Interactive Sessions/ Daily Evening energy darshan - 11 July 2011
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Today, the day started with Paramahamsa Nithyananda visiting the Temple having the glance of Anandeswara Anandeswari, Adiguru Dakshinamurthy and Sacred Banyan tree. It is followed by Pratyaksha Paduka Puja to the guru moorthi of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. It is immediately followed by a beautiful discourse on 'Who knows your mind', a deep thought provocative satsang to the devotees all around the world. Today, Swamiji added yet another new word to english literature, 'laziziziziziiiness' :)
During the Satsang, Swamiji had blessed & inaugurated Toronto Vedic Temple followed by celebrations in Toronto
It is immediately followed by individual blessings to devotees in Bidadi and group blessing to the devotees all around the World via Nayana Deeksha & eN TV
It is followed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda's interactive sessions with Inner Awakening participants on Leadership consciousness and on clearing their engrams to express their innate creativity. It is followed by daily energy initiation to the participants of Inner Awakening, eN Genius and Hi-Tech

Beautifully decorated Anandeswara Anandeswari near Bidadi Temple
Paramahamsa Nithyananda entering the Temple to offer His gratitude to Anandeswara Anandeswari, Adiguru Dakshinamurthy and Sacred Banyan tree
Pratyaksha Paduka Puja being offered to the devotees all around the world, to the guru moorthi of Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivering morning satsang on 'who knows your mind' talking about cognizance
Paramahamsa Nithyananda initiating the devotees all around the world to kundalini awakening during the morning satsang
A devotee having an intense levitation (samaana balance) during the kundalini awakening initiation process by Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Individual blessings to Bidadi devotees and group blessings to the devotees worldwide, in 2-way nayana deeksha & eN TV during Sarva Darshan
Swamiji Himself conducting sessions to IA participants on 'Leadership consciousness' and few exercises to clean the samsakaras blocking them from their expression of creaivity
Inner Awakening participants in completion process, sharing and removing their blockages to create a natural leader in themselves