Care For Epilepsy
DISCLAIMER: This technique is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Individuals with any type of medical condition, the elderly, children below 14, women who are pregnant or suspect they may be pregnant are advised to seek professional medical advice before practicing this technique. Viewers who are not on two-way video conferencing are cautioned that they are practicing these techniques at their own risk.
Steps to be followed:
1. Come to stand in Tadasana, i.e., stand firmly on both the feet with the hands in a prayer position at the heart
2. Inhale - Bring the arms up to Urdhva Hastasana
3. Exhale - Swan dive down, hinging at the hips, bringing the palms flat on either side of your feet to Uttanasana
4. Inhale - Bring the RIGHT foot to the back of the mat, come up on to the finger tips into a low lunge
5. Exhale - Bring the LEFT foot back to meet the right foot coming into Downward Facing Dog position
6. RETAIN THE BREATH - Drop to your knees, chest and chin on the floor
7. Inhale - Come forward to a low Cobra pose raising your head slightly
8. Exhale - Come Back to Downward Facing Dog position
9. Inhale -Bring the RIGHT foot next to the RIGHT hand into low lunge
10. Exhale - Bring the LEFT foot forward next to the LEFT hand forward bend into Uttanasana(3rd step)
11. Inhale - Bring the arms up to Urdhva Hastasana(2nd step)
12. Exhale - Come to stand in Tadasana with the hands in a prayer position at the heart(1st step)
(Repeat the entire sequence with the interchanging of legs;Do this as many times as possible (max 108 times). NEXT ...
2. BREATH WATCHING Do this for about 7 minutes.