Press coverage: Nithyananda addresses Hindu conference at Jamkhandi

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Kannada Prabha: Kannada daily newspaper Jamakhandi: Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji from Dhyana-Yogashrama of Bidadi inaugurated and blessed the “Bruhat Swabhimaana Hindu Samavesha” on Tuesday evening at the G.G. High School grounds. The disgusting form of insults on Hindu Dharma and the religious conversion must be stopped immediately. Else, the appropriate price will have to be paid for it in the days to come. Nithyananda Swamiji expressed that the media should broadcast the news only after knowing the truth and they must drop the irresponsible false reporting and let us show the truth of Hindu Dharma to the entire world. Speech in Kannada: Nithyananda Swamiji blessed the gathering by way of reading his speech in Kannada of about two-and-half pages in a way that the North Karnataka people understand. Sidhalinga Swamiji from Jevargi Karuneshwara Mutt and Babaleshwara Dr. Mahadeva Shivacharya Swamiji shared their thoughts. The Sri Rama Sena National Prasident Pramod Mutalik addressed the gathering and many VIPs and Saadhus and Swamijis were present at the dias. Dina Thanthi - A Tamil daily newspaper Nithyananda emphasizes that Hindus should unite to protect our Vedic tradition The Sri Rama Sena, Karnataka conducted a conference at Jhamkhandi, Bagalkot district. Paramahamsa Nithyananda lead huge procession on chariot. While addressing the fifty thousand people who had gathered there, Paramahamsa Nithyananda emphasized that action should be taken to protect and promote the Hindu tradition and that we must first of all practice yoga and meditation and the truths behind the ancient Vedic tradition should be discovered and shared with people. He gave blessings to the people. Nithyananda was also presented with a memento from Sri Pramodji Muthalik, the leader of Sri Rama Sena. Vijaya Karnataka: Kannada daily newspaper “Stopping the menace of religious conversion and safeguarding and nurturing Hindu Dharma is the primary responsibility of every Hindu” said Nithyananda Swamiji from Dhyana-Yogashrama at Bidadi, Bangalore. He blessed the “Bruhat Swabhimaana Hindu Samavesha" organized by Shi Rama Sena on Tuesday evening at the G.G. High School grounds. He said that if we do not stand up against the harassment and attack and on Hindu Gurus, the Sanathana Hindu Dharma will have to face serious consequences.