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Bidadi, 04 July 2012: The Karnataka High Court today disposed of the habeas corpus petition submitted by the parents of Nithyananda disciple Santhosh, alleging that their son was being illegally detained in his ashram and not allowed to meet them.

In their habeas corpus petition, Munnur Krishnamurthy and Jayanthi had submitted that their son Santhosh, a hotel management graduate, had become a disciple of Nithyananda and was staying at his ashram in Bidadi near Bangalore since 2009.

Responding to the petition, Santhosh, who has taken the spiritual name Shantimayananda, denied the allegation that he was not allowed to meet his parents, as his father Krishnamurthy had been a frequent visitor to the ashram and was known to many of his fellow ashramites as well. On several previous occasions, Krishnamurthy had even done some voluntary work for the ashram.

Shantimayananda also affirmed that as a major (he is 34 years old), he is entitled to choose his own life and future. He has experienced great healing and transformation after joining Nithyananda ashram, and was keen to continue his spiritual work and social services while staying in the organization.

He has also requested the police and court not to entertain any such complaints or petitions from his family and relatives in future.   


Watch Shantimayananda and advocate Ragasudha speak on this issue in Kannada and English in a TV interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt4xVBnCIJQ&feature=relmfu